Our faces and bodies are the most continually present, intimate and constantly observed objects in our lives. Women’s appearance is especially tied to identity. Philosopher John Berger observed, “Men act and women appear. Men look at women. Women watch themselves being looked at.”
Ascension. 19.75 x 27.75 inches. Pastel on paper. 2023.
Self. 13 x 17 inches. Pastel on paper. 2024.
Sublime Reaction #1. 24 x 30 inches. Oil on linen. 2020.
Sublime Reaction #3. 24 x 30 inches. Oil on linen. 2020.
Sublime Reaction #2. 30 x 24 inches. Oil on linen. 2020.
Conversation (regarding Song of a Lark by Adolphe Breton). 18 x 24 inches. Oil on linen. 2019.
Brave New Worlds. 18 x 24 inches. Oil on panel. 2019.
Cupcake. 30 x 40 inches. Oil on panel. 2016.
The Sublime. 18 x 24 inches. Oil on canvas. 2019.